Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Little Brick

Went out yesterday morning with plans to do the Sweetwater Loop multiple times.  I rode the first loop with Eric the Fireman.  After dropping him off on Grays Ct., I went out for my second loop.  About 3 miles down River Road, I had my first flat in a very long time.  In fact, it had been such a long time that when I pulled my pump off my bike, my pump had frozen up and wouldn't work at all.  I tried pulling the pump apart, but everything was stuck.  Anyway, I walked across the road and stuck out my thumb.  After about 5 minutes of selective hitch-hiking, I saw a pickup truck heading towards me with a tandem on its roof.  They stopped for me and gave me a ride back to my front door.  It was a couple from the city who were up staying in Guerneville at their parents rental cabin.  They were going to go out and explore Westside Road a bit.  They had very good energy and it would have been nice if we could have talked more.  I probably should have fixed my flat and headed back out, but instead I put on my running shoes and went out for an 11 mile run.  I did a new loop, which I think will become one of my favorites.  I did the usual Martinelli loop, and then combined my favorite Scenic loop.  I had some tightness in my right calf, so I didn't run as far as I wanted, but my legs felt great otherwise.  I'm down to about 13.1 stone at this point.  I would like to get down to between 12.5 and 12.8 stone.  I also really need to do some more stretching because I am still having the calf issues that have plagued me all year.

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