Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Another Saison

A loaf of bread using some of the spent grains from my last beer.

Beer recipe

Beer # 75
Date May 9, 2015

Description Hopefully a traditional Saison. Same as #73. One of my favorites of all time!!!

Yeast WLP #565 White Labs Belgium Saison Ale Liquid Yeast with yeast starter

Grain Bill Quantity Grain
12 lbs Belgian Pilsner Malt (1.5L)
10 lbs German Vienna Malt (4L)
3 lbs German Wheat Malt (2L)

Hop Schedule Quantity Hop Schedule
1 oz Golding Mash out
1 oz Golding 60 min
1 oz Golding 15 min
1 oz Styrian Golding 15 min
1 oz Golding Dry hop
1 oz Styrian Golding Dry hop

Alcohol % OG FG %
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Monday, April 25, 2016

Beer #74

An IPA on our day off.

Beer # 74
Date Apr 25, 2016

Description Same as #71

Yeast White labs CA ale Yeast

Grain Bill Quantity Grain
30 lbs American 2 row
1 lbs Carapils
1 lbs Caramel Malt 40L
3 lbs Corn Sugar

Hop Schedule Quantity Hop Schedule
1 oz Amarillo Mash out
1 oz Columbus Mash out
1 oz Simcoe Mash out
1 oz Amarillo 45m
1 oz Columbus Flame out
1 oz Simcoe flame out
1 oz Amarillo Flame out
1 oz Amarillo Dry hop
2 oz Columbus Dry hop
2 oz Simcoe Dry hop
2 oz Centennial Dry hop

Alcohol % OG FG %

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