Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Windy Commute home

I was able to get out of the shop a little early on Tuesday and decided to take the long way home.  It ended up being the windy way home.  I have been riding out near Valley Ford for years, and yesterday was the windiest I have ever felt it.  At one point out near Middle Road, I was standing up on my bike in the middle of the road going 12 mph.  I had to stay in the middle of the road since the wind was buffeting me from both sides and from head on.  When I first started heading into the wind, all the way back on Pepper, I figured that I was in no hurry, and I would just visualize  I was a screen door the whole way.  By the time I hit Middle-Two Rock, the screen door analogy had slammed shut and I was not enjoying myself.  I had thought about heading down Highway 1 and going over Coleman Valley, but I was having a hard time keeping my bike on the road just from the town of Valley Ford to Valley Ford-Freestone Cutoff Road.  I did feel much better by the time I got in to Occidental and I enjoyed myself going over Morelli and down Harrison Grade.  Here is a map of the route.  My tendon was a little sore the whole time, but there was no extreme pain.  I did stretch for quite a while when I got home.  I am a little scared about going out for a run and seeing what happens.  It is 11 days until the World's Toughest Half Ironman, and I am very unsure about whether I can run or not.  Well, we shall see, I am just considering a training ride and not a race.  

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