Thursday, January 1, 2009

Last Bike Ride of the Year

Well, I had a great bike ride to end the year with.  Here is the link.  

On side note, some of you may have noticed that I now have these great links to my rides.  My lovely wife bought me a Garmin as an anniversary/Christmas/birthday present.  It is the Edge 705 model.  Well, I try not to do any selling on the BLOG, but you can purchase almost any of the Garmin models from The Hub Cyclery.  We sell them for the suggested retail price you see on the Garmin page.  Sure, you could probably go out and search high and low and find someone who would sell it for less, but if you heard about it first here, or you think that it is worth supporting your local bike shop, then come on in and we will order up the model that fits you best.  A couple of us at the shop are riding with Garmins, so we would be happy to talk with you about it, you can even take mine out for a test ride.  That is the end of my side note.

Now, back to my ride...the weather was perfect, and I rode my Cannondale Cross bike with my nice heavy tires.  I think that bike weighs over 30 pounds.  Anyway, I went out over Mayes Canyon and dropped into Guerneville before heading back to Rio Nido for the canyon ride over to Sweetwater.  I got a flat tire on the backside of Sweetwater,  I found a tiny little sliver of green glass in my tire.  I rode back Westside Road and met Claire out there somewhere and we headed back Westside Road towards Healdsburg.  We came back on Eastside Road into a slight headwind.  It started to get a little cold at the end of the ride, but otherwise it was perfect.  We were both ready to get off our bikes by the end.  We fueled up on Pasta Bolognese which Claire had cooked up.  Well, Happy New Year.

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