Sunday, February 21, 2010


Well, it is our third day in Minnesota, and we are really enjoying our stay.  We have been visiting one of our favorite bicycle parts supplier, Quality Bicycle Products.  QBP is probably the biggest supplier in the US for the bicycle business, and they have flown us out and put us up in a hotel so that we can visit their warehouses and visit with other bike shop owners.  There are probably a 1000 dealers here or so, almost a small Interbike, which is our industry trade show.  This has been much more satisfying than some of the Interbikes we have been to because of the fewer people, and the real concentration on the bike industry.

Here is a photo of their warehouse and a photo of Claire with the Michelin Man.  We are heading back over today for a couple more seminars and then they are having a big giveaway of stuff at the end of the show.  We will be flying back to CA on Monday.

 It has been a whirlwind adventure.

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