Friday, April 4, 2008

Run in the park

I got home from the shop a couple of minutes early this evening, and somehow convinced myself to go out for a run.  I was teetering back and forth, and came very, very close to not going.  I am glad I went.  I felt really good with almost no pain at all in my calves.  I ran down to Steelhead Beach regional park and did some loops in the park.  I ended up running for almost exactly an hour.  I felt like I could have kept going all night, but I wanted to get home to barbeque up some red snapper and some vegetables.  I don't know why we haven't been doing this all along, but I cut up mushrooms, green peppers, red peppers, and a couple of zucchinis and put them in a basket that sits right on the grill.  I didn't add anything else, and they were great.  I had the same thing the other night and couldn't wait to do it again.  I am undecided about whether I will ride in to work with Mathilda or not in the morning.  The idea of a leisurely cup of coffee instead is awfully tempting.

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