Friday, March 7, 2008

All work and no play

It is Friday, and the shop is going crazy. This does not help my training at all. I have been coming in at seven the last couple of mornings and working until six. Like Claire always says, "We need to make hay while the sun is shining." I did get out on Monday and did the Sweetwater Loop from my house, and then went out for an hour long run over the Scenic Loop. I rode my cross bike with my 700x37 Acrobat tires. They make the bike weigh almost 27 pounds. Sweetwater was not so fun considering I was riding a 36x23 low gear. It took 1 hour and 34 minutes. My run took exactly 59 minutes and 50 seconds. I had to hustle at the end to keep it under an hour. I think I was still a little tired from the Grasshopper on Saturday.
I went out On Wednesday morning with A2 and did the RD's Loop. It has been years since I have done that ride. I was on my fixed, but was feeling pretty good. A2 is still riding along in his Converse High Tops. It is going to be scary when he gets some real shoes. I was planning a run later that day, but, as A1 like to say, "The Hub happened."
I have 72 days till The World's Toughest Half, and 148 days till the Vineman. I had better get some more running in. I don't know what kind of time I will have for swimming before The World's Toughest, but I can probably fake my way through that part of the race. Anyway, I had better get back to the shop.

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