Monday, September 10, 2007

September 9 and 10

Went out for a run around my hilly loop. I still haven't been able to break that magic 50 minute barrier. I went 51:10. I think now that I can make up some time at the start of the run. My loop is up Scenic, around Canyon, and then down the secret road. I then turn left on Terrace, take Terrace till the hairpin where I take the secret path. Run to the end of Summer Home Park, and then run back home. I have tried to sketch it out on Google Maps, but I can't figure out how to get my secret trails in there.

My dad and grandparents are here for a couple of days before they head up to Oregon. We are going out for a short bike ride in a bit. Dad and I will ride the Ibis tandem and Claire will ride her Cannondale Six-13. I have made a couple of loafs of sourdough bread which are going through their first rising right now. One is a traditional recipe, the other is whole wheat with walnuts and oats. We also made about 3 gallons of apple sauce this morning from some of our apples. It turned out terrific. We will be freezing most of it. I checked the figs, and there are finally some that are blackening up. I have been doing some research on picking them, and it sounds like I need to wait until they are just about ready to fall off on their own. Here is a picture of my bread.

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